Welcome to AQBBA
Australian Queen Bee Breeders' Association
Welcome to AQBBA
Australian Queen Bee Breeders' Association
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Australian Queen Bee Breeders' Association
Australian Queen Bee Breeders' Association
Welcome to the AQBBA.
The Australian Queen Bee Breeders' Association is composed of people from every corner of the industry, from those who just like bees buzzing in their garden to expert queen bee breeders and honey bee researchers.
The AQBBA was first formed in the mid 1980s to raise the standards of queen bee breeding in Australia.
The AQBBA is a member body of the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC), the national peak industry body that represents all aspects of the apiary industry.
In 2017 a grass roots movement from industry re-formed the AQBBA to
The AQBBA was first formed in the mid 1980s to raise the standards of queen bee breeding in Australia.
The AQBBA is a member body of the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC), the national peak industry body that represents all aspects of the apiary industry.
In 2017 a grass roots movement from industry re-formed the AQBBA to be a voice specifically focused on issues related to queen bee breeding and queen rearing.
The AQBBA is managed by a team of people elected each year at our Annual General Meeting.
President New South Wales Murwillumbah Bees
Vice President Queensland
Member Queensland
Member Queensland The Bee Lady Apiaries
Member South Australia
Member Queensland
Sign up to receive our next newsletter and find out about membership .
PH: 0429 525 892